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food photography

Mint Lemonade

Dolce: A musical connotation meaning “sweet,” indicating a direction to perform sweetly and gently.
Dulce: A sweet food or drink.

Dolce + Dulce is a space designed for exploring the sweetness in life. Whether it’s a blatant loveliness or a bittersweetness, this blog means to share a love of food, music, life, and everything else. Maybe somewhere in this space you can find something relatable or inspiring or accessible or aesthetically comforting. The recipes are yours to use and adapt and make your own.

For a long time, Dolce + Dulce was an idea for which I made excuses not to bring into the world because of the same reasons anyone doesn’t start something: fear of failure. To produce quality, consistent content, to maintain inspiration and passion, to improve – these things require commitment that I worried would produce failure in other aspects of my life by spreading myself too thin. Classical music is a demanding world that requires endless love even when that world doesn’t seem to love you back, and that’s where most of my love resides.

What I hope is that there will be nothing to carve into because there is endless room for everything I want to do. Regret comes from a failure to do, and I aim to never regret. Even if I never feel like I know what I’m doing, at least I am finally doing this.

This introductory post is to give you a sense of the tone of this blog and who I am, and I would like to share the story of the time I was laughed at by inmates.

“The Inmate Story”

When I was 19 I flew home to Florida to spend time with my family. It was summer. Florida summers are stifling and aggravating and overwhelming and flush with rash decisions and desperation, which could account for why my father bought a motorcycle and why I agreed to get my endorsement with him.

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© WolfThemes